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Business and Capital Formation:

Selecting the right legal entity.   


There is so much to learn when launching or growing a business. Like most entrepreneurs, you may feel overwhelmed by all of the information and requirements when starting a business, increasing your operating capacity or taking on new partners and investors. As a result, we help simplify the process by:


  • Clarifying the goals for the new business or investors;

  • Evaluating and explaining the pros and cons of each legal entity and the many options for capitalizing the business;

  • Implementing the best solution given the business goals, available resources and the specific needs of the parties.


This holistic approach allows us to work with our clients as strategic partners to create the most effective business structure for launching their business or bringing on investors. This proven approach also allows us to focus on the long-term planning considerations for the business such as:


  • How the current ownership of the business will be effected; who will own what and what rights, privileges and duties they will have;

  • How the business will be managed; who will possess what powers and authorities and what checks and balances will be used to ensure the business' interests are protected;

  • The tax consequences for each of the owners and investors;

  • Mitigating liability and risk for the business and its owners;

  • Establishing a succession plan or transition strategy for the owners.


Depending on your business formation goals, our legal team will help you make the right decisions to build a strong foundation which will enable you to roll with the changes and grow your business.


Feel free to contact John Carter with questions or strategies related to business or capital formation. He can also be reached at 248-785-3400.

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